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Thoughtfully Designed

This house was based on architect Richard Meier's La Casa Smith. Around 50 years ago, Carole Smith called Richard Meier and told him about a site in Darien, Connecticut that she had bought with her husband. The landscape of this construction site was special, it was placed on a rocky slope with dense evergreens and coastal outcrops - the same kind of land that we can observe in Malibu. I decided to make a few changes to this house that would make it fit more within a malibu setting. An important factor I had to consider when designing this project was the Pacific Coast Highway that runs along Malibu. To block out the noise of the PCH, I decided to close off the front face of the house. To balance it out, I left rear elevation open with big windows and a direct access to the beach.

Malibu dream house on the beach: Featured Work
Malibu dream house on the beach: Illustrations
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